“Baseball is 90 percent mental”
Yogi Berra
Though he said it about baseball, it applies to all sports and sports betting alike.
Ask any professional gambling expert and he will tell you that the real and toughest opponent always resides in one’s head. This common and praiseworthy component of professional gamblers’ rock-solid mentality comes from their ability to accept both ups and downs in their journey.
They are aware and confident of their skills and strategy, keeping a watch on every moment and move of their cricket betting activities. However, they never allow their self-belief to go beyond a limit where their logic, analytical skills and judgment get shrouded by overconfidence and overpride. They celebrate wins and feel sad for losses but never allow the outcomes to disturb and destroy their mental peace and calmness.
Let us now deconstruct how they deal with losses in betting and what you should do to acquire their mentality.
How Professional Gamblers Accept Losses
Wins bring us happiness and hence, it is easier to handle wins than losses. It takes strong dignity and restraint to accept wins and losses with equanimity. You should work more towards maintaining your fortitude and patience to deal with losses and subsequent disappointment.
Remember it’s not a material loss
A common thinking pattern that engulfs bettors after a loss is they consider the money lost in terms of opportunity cost to whatever they could have invested in. For example, if a bettor loses $500 as a wager, he tends to think that he could have purchased a new television set with the money.
If you consider your bankroll money in terms of its alternative use, it was not a part of your bankroll account.
After performing Indibet login, you deposit money in your bankroll account for their utility value. Irrespective of your wins or loss, it does not represent any material object.
Consider expected value
To any professional gambler, the real goal is to gain expected value (EV) because it can maximize your bankroll growth. As long as you are recovering expected value, you don’t lose ground on your betting goal. Losses in actual value are not counted if you can manage to not over-bet your bankroll. Work out on how to increase EV. This way, you can easily handle a loss, even an extremely upsetting defeat.
How to Get Over Losing Streaks?
Dealing with a single loss is not that much difficult. But what if you suffer losses in a series of betting events on indibet app? This feels like a kind of punishment for bettors. However, all professional gamblers undergo such miserable experiences at least once in their career.
Your ability to handle an extended downturn is reflective of your approach towards betting. Followings are 3 effective ways to handle extended losses:
Pause for a Cause: Take a day, week or month off your betting activity. Reflect on what has gone wrong. However, if you have no plan to retire from betting, don’t stay away for several months as you may not feel the urge to bet again.
Adjust Your Stakes: A reduced bet size will not optimize your bankroll growth but it is better than increasing your stakes to recover your recent losses. A string of losses often lead to self-doubt and in such cases, lowering stakes is better to ensure a long betting life.
Don’t Brood Over Recent Losses: The trauma of recent losses stays in our head for a long time. Shrug them off and instead, stay focussed on something else. Losses are past, it’s time to think about your betting future.
Spend More Time with Your Loved Ones: After you have taken a temporary retirement from betting, you are left with more time to spend with your loved ones. Hang out with your friends, go out with your family on a vacation and have a lot of fun together. A consciously chosen carefree and fun-filled life refills you with energy and better thoughts. You will come back a stronger person.
Once you regain your confidence, resume cricket betting. Re-evaluate your betting strategy, investigate if your market is now different and more efficient and find new odds for bets. You should take these steps frequently, regardless of your wins or losses. This will help you to develop the key traits of a professional gambler.
Like in many things, betting is not only about strategies but a bettor’s mentality also plays a big role in embracing a composed approach to accepting losses. Dealing with losses is more difficult than handling wins because the latter calls for celebration whereas the former invites negative thoughts.
And in the aftermath of serial losses, it gets really hard for a professional bettor to focus on gambling. If you can efficiently handle an extended downturn, it will get easier to improve the chance of getting back to your winning streaks. Think about it, think like a professional gambler.