Winning anything, whether it is a cricket match or a cricket bet, is worth celebrating. Just like in T20 cricket matches, the outcome of your T20 betting is uncertain. The basic concept of gambling is to place bets on an event that is yet to unfold. If your prediction comes true, you win the bets and otherwise, you lose. 

A bettor, no matter how smart he is, cannot secure wins everytime he bets. He may win most of the time, but sometimes, he suffers losses. The way a bettor deals with wins or losses, especially if a big amount is involved, shows his level of professionalism. Usually, casual bettors break down after a heavy loss and feel ecstatic after a big win. On the other hand, professional bettors show restraint in both cases. 

The ability to handle both victories and defeats with equanimity is a key component of a professional bettor’s character. In fact, they keep celebrations a low-key affair. In this article, we will dissect the way professional bettors handle their wins. 

It’s easier to handle wins than losses

Losses cause the flood of chain-like emotions including shock, sadness, depression, disorientation, self-doubt, agony and even suicidal thoughts. Bettors find themselves going down the abysmal depth of spiraling melancholy, which may lead to a situation where they can embrace a drastic measure of ending their lives. Though such a tragic end point does not happen in every bettor’s life after a huge defeat, some definitely enter the zone of ‘no return’. 

Therefore, it is always easier to deal with wins rather than defeats. However, the way of handling wins is still important and reflective of your maturity as a bettor. There is another aspect of how human brains react to a marginal win if you have made winning a regular habit. 

After a series of losses, bettors tend to show numbness towards further losses, feeling desensitized to bankroll swings. The high dopamine level from consecutive or significant wins tends to go down over time. 

Let us now figure out how you can manage your wins like professional bettors. 

Assess Your Results: Bettors have a natural tendency of sticking to the same methodology and strategy when they are winning. If you work as hard on your way up as you usually do on your way down, you are most likely to have a good betting career in the long run. Only time can tell if you have the edge in betting and the betting market is efficient. 

No bettors place bets to lose. Everyone wants to win. However, winning should not be treated as perfume. Instead, you should check if you can explore different ways to improving edges despite excellent betting results. Bet earlier; find new outs. Know the perfect time for hedging a bet. Do whatever you can in your capacity to improve. 

Purchase More Bankroll 

We have already mentioned though it is worth regurgitating. A bigger bankroll is the best thing that you can purchase with your winnings from Satta Matka. Rewarding oneself is human beings’ natural inclination. 

However, how can you reward yourself when the Bitcoin price or stock market goes up? Consider your bankroll as an investment fund and you will not feel tempted to withdraw money from it. 

Avoid God Mode

When it comes to betting, professional bettors often slip into God Mode. They feel too powerful to be defeated. They gain overconfidence that makes them believe they are destined to win everytime they bet. They start believing in “Defeat is impossible in our dictionary”. 

This mindset is problematic. Whether wins or losses, streaks are common and human brains are programmed to find patterns, regardless of their existence. A series of wins invalidates your edge no more than losing does it. What you get is a product of the expectation value you generate. 

Sometimes you prefer more AV to EV and sometimes, you pile up EV for future demonstration. Prevent yourself from getting trapped into God Mode, it often causes a fall. 

T20 betting exchange app

Adjust Your Stakes

Many bettors are averse to changes after winning, including their bet size and betting strategy. What is worse than this behavioral pattern is bettors tend to reduce their stakes to secure a win as they fear regression over time. 

Whether Good or Bad, past results are not an indicator of future performance. If you have used up your winnings to purchase a bigger bankroll on a T20 betting exchange app, you should adjust your stakes. 

Final Word

The way professional bettors deal with big wins or winning streaks is a lesson for new and casual bettors alike. The changes in expectations and behavior after a series of successes are dictated by the ways human brains perceive these wins, react to the same and seek patterns to fit these into. If you want to play like a pro, you should learn professionals’ skills of managing wins.